
  • Darko Janković Military Academy, University of Defence, Belgrade
  • Marina Simovic Pavlovic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Maja Pagnacco Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade
  • Katarina Nestorović Military Technical Institute, Belgrade
  • Aca Ranđelović Military Academy, University of Defence, Belgrade
  • Darko Vasiljević Photonics Center, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade


air weapons, projectile impact, security, high-speed camera, ImageJ analysis, fractal dimension., air weapons, projectile impact, security, high-speed camera, ImageJ analisis, fractal dimension


Purpose: The current Law on Arms and Ammunition (“Official Gazette of the RS”, nos. 20/2015, 10/2019, 20/2020, and 14/2022) allows the free acquisition of air weapons by persons over 18 years of age and even possession without any report to the competent authorities. With this paper, we want to point out that, although less dangerous than firearms, air weapons are also unsafe and should not be available to anyone with the sole requirement of having an ID.

Design/Methods/Approach: For the research described in this paper, optical methods for analyzing the impact of a projectile on a surface fired from an air rifle were applied. First, the shooting was monitored by a high-speed camera. Afterwards, the obtained recordings were analysed using the image analysis method ImageJ.

Findings: The impacts on the ground - sand during shooting from two different angles were observed. An air rifle, Steyer LG 110, 4.5 mm, with a projectile speed of 100 m/s, was used. It was observed that despite the fact that the applied kinetic energy is less than 10 J, penetration is evident, as is the power of deformation, i.e., the destruction of the substrate.

Originality/Value: In the direction of the discussion of the obtained results, measurements related to the dimensions of the projectile penetration trace, penetration depth, and surface deformation will be presented. In accordance with current events in the world, especially in Serbia, it is very important to take into account all the dangers that different types of weapons bring. The presented research is based on a real simulation of events and analyzed using a scientific approach.

Keywords: air weapons, projectile impact, security, high-speed camera.


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Natural and Applied Sciences in Forensics, Cybercrime and Security