migrant children, violence, cumulative stress, schooling, opportunities for inclusive learning, language supportAbstract
Abstract: Analysis of the position of migrant and refugee children in Serbia as members of a marginalized group, which is almost completely excluded from the entire social environment and education, on top of which is systematically exposed to violence by other migrants, smugglers and the police. About 10 percent of them are unaccompanied children. On the so-called on the Balkan route, they travel to Western Europe for an average of four and a half years, not knowing the local languages, many of them do not even know any other language than their mother tongue. During that period, many remain "stuck", unable to continue their journey between strictly guarded borders, run out of money and becoming particularly vulnerable to violence and a range of group criminal activities and actions of individuals. Design/Methods/Approach. The data was collected by desk analysis of academic texts, research findings, reports of international and local humanitarian organizations, administration and media. The data shows that many of those children would like to have friends, play sports and learn local languages. Schools can provide all this to migrant children. By engaging educational institutions in Serbia, from the 2015/16 school year. 98% of children from the migrant population were included in the education system. It is also important that what they learn here will be of practical use wherever they go, while the inclusion in the education system represents a solid barrier to further victimization of migrant and refugee children. Findings. Although education is a basic human right, migrant children and asylum seekers during the refugee journey face obstacles in accessing any education due to language barriers and ethnic differences, unresolved legal status, experience of wars, cumulative stress and trauma and lack of social adaptation. It is pointed out that migrant and refugee children have the same right to education as any other child in the world. Originality/Value. Bearing in mind that children and adolescents have the right to equal access to quality, inclusive learning opportunities, the conclusion is that governments must increase efforts to enroll migrant children in regular schools, including improving school capacity and providing language support to children and their guardians. It is also necessary to strengthen the child protection system in order to prevent all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse.
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