S.N. Tregubov, A. Reiss, criminal techniqueAbstract
The paper considers the study and rationale of close historical (genetic) link between Russian and Serbian criminalistics as in the case of S.N. Tregubov’s work on development of criminalistics (criminal technique) and teaching criminalistics in Russia (before1920) and after his emigration to Serbia.
In this study historical-genetic (historical-descriptive), comparative-historical, historical-typological and biographical methods are used.
Professor S.N. Tregubov, a supporter of A. Reiss's ideas, stood at the origins of criminalistics (criminal technique) in Russia since 1910. He taught at the Alexander Military Law Academy and the Imperial School of Law as well. After his emigration to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in 1920, S.N. Tregubov worked as a professor of criminal technique at the Criminalistics Institute of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, taught criminal technique to Serbian law enforcement personnel, and took part in international forensic congresses. In 1912 S.N. Tregubov published A. Reiss's course of lectures, in 1915 he published "Fundamentals of Criminal Techniques, Scientific and Technical Methods of Crime Investigation: Practical Guide for the Judiciary", in 1930 he published the first textbook on criminal technique in Serbian, in 1935 he published, together with A. Andonovich, a Russian practical guide to criminal technique in Serbian language. Continuity in the content of the Russian (1915) and Serbian (1935) editions of manuals on criminal technique was established.
The study of life and work of S.N. Tregubov in Russia and Serbia contributes to the knowledge of the patterns and features of formation and developing criminalistics in Serbia, validates its close connection with Russian criminalistics, explains propagation and further development of the ideas of A. Reiss in Russia and Serbia.
About the author
Alexey Sokol, MSc, he is the author of 5 scientific papers. Currently he is a PhD candidate at Kuban State University, Russia. Fields of scientific research: criminalistics, history of criminalistics.
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