
  • Árpád Dr. Budaházi National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement Department of Criminal Procedure Law


plea agreement, plea bargain, criminal procedure, investigation, confession, trial waiver


Purpose: The paper aims to show Hungary’s legal institution of the plea agreement and its limitations. Another aim is to show the characteristics of plea agreements in other European countries and how they differ from the American plea bargain.

Design/Methods/Approach: The paper reviews domestic and foreign literature and analyzes domestic legal norms. It also illustrates the application of plea agreement through practical experience.

Findings: In Hungary, the plea agreement will be applied with the entry into force of the new Criminal Procedure Act in 2018. The plea agreement has been introduced into practice on the Slovenian model. The legislator would expect this legal instrument to speed up criminal proceedings on a broader scale. In contrast, the number of criminal cases in which the legal tool is used is below 1%. The many limitations of a plea agreement mean that it is rarely used at the investigation stage. This paper describes these constraints on the side of the prosecution, the accused, the defence, and the judge. The legal instrument of plea agreement itself is good in criminal proceedings, but its current practice in Hungary needs to be changed to make it more common. The paper also presents practical solutions that the prosecution uses instead of a plea agreement but that fulfil its purpose.

Originality/Value: The paper could contribute to changing the application of plea agreement. The monitoring of changes could be the subject of further papers.

Keywords: plea agreement, plea bargain, criminal procedure, investigation, confession, trial waiver.


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