European Union, Eurojust, joint investigation teams, cross-border investigations, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, harmonization with acquis communautaireAbstract
Purpose: The article aims at presenting the advantages of a joint investigation team as a sui generis instrument of international cooperation, the use of which may increase the efficiency of the investigations of cross-border crime, while analyzing the legal framework for its formation and functioning.
Design/Methods/Approach: The authors are presenting and examining the legal framework and practical considerations for the formation and functioning of the joint investigation teams at the level of the European Union and in the Republic of Serbia in this area, with particular regard to the possibilities offered by the signature of the Cooperation Agreement between Eurojust and the Republic of Serbia in terms of support available to joint investigation teams set up between EU and non-EU countries.
Findings: The Serbian legal framework for setting up joint investigation teams is analyzed in light of relevant acquis communautaire and is the object of the critical review, taking into account comparative analyses of the legislative frameworks of several EU countries.
Originality/Value: Since the signature of the Cooperation Agreement between Eurojust and the Republic of Serbia in 2019, the relevance of this modern tool for international cooperation for the competent authorities in Serbia has been enhanced, taking into account the possible assistance Eurojust may provide to joint investigation teams formed between European Union countries and third countries.
Keywords: European Union, Eurojust, joint investigation teams, cross-border investigations, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, harmonization with acquis communautaire.
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