
  • Ivana Luknar /


police, profession, innovations, smart policing, community-policing


Purpose: Due to the technology development modern society is more than ever characterized by variability and evolution. Police is one of the primary social institution that is charge of crime prevention, crime control, and public safety. According, in the police profession occur changes, as requirements of society changes. Purpose of the paper is to provide unique insights into the police profession in nowadays world, as well as the challenges and the future of police profession.

Design/Methods/Approach: The paper will primarily review and analyze literature, both domestic and foreign. Application of the content analysis method will provide information about police profession in contemporary society.

Findings: The author will point out the changes in modern society that challenges and influences on police profession. Contemporary society requires changes in professional skills, professional ethics, as well as professional education and training. Innovations, smart policing and community-policing are some of the current trends of policing. The paper provides sufficient information about current characteristics of police profession and its development trends for the coming time.  

Originality/Value: The importance of studying police profession is unquestionable. This paper provides information about the course of police profession development, its role and limitations in modern society. The research community and police, both benefited from the information provided in this paper. The findings may enhance police profession development, its efficiency in dealing with modern forms of crime and appreciation of the police profession in modern society.


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Etiology, Phenomenology and Trends of Contemporary Crime