
  • Miladin Nešić UCIPS
  • Krsto Lipovac
  • Dalibor Pešić


Keywords: road traffic safety, indicator, trend, benchmarking, performance.



Purpose of this paper is to determine the trends of various road safety indicators in order to identify the position of the Republic of Serbia in relation to other countries. Especially bearing in mind that in the next strategic period, Serbia is planned to be among the 10 best performing countries in Europe.


Data for the analysis were collected from the national database on traffic accidents for the Republic of Serbia, and from the annual road traffic safety reports based on the database on road traffic accidents for the European Union (CARE) and the International Road Safety Database (IRTAD). Trends were established using statistical analysis and benchmarking techniques were used for comparison.


Serbia is increasingly lagging behind the best performed EU countries.


The paper is original, and its value is reflected in the assessment of Serbia's progress in improving road traffic safety, as well as in finding countries from which to learn how to successfully manage road traffic safety in the long term.


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