
  • Olgica Vulevic Adviser to the Assistant Minister of Police


Program zaštite, ugroženo lice, svedok u Programu, žrtva, psihosocijalni mehanizmi i podrška, stres, traumatizacija, dete kao blisko lice


Purpose: One of the basic means of evidence in criminal proceedings, in addition to material evidence, is the testimony of witnesses. A protected witness (protected person) is a person who has received the status of a witness in a criminal proceeding by a court decision and whose life, health, property, and those close to them are at risk, and therefore enter the Protection Program. The protection program is one of the newer ways of supporting and helping protected persons within the framework of out-of-process protection. In addition to physical protection, it is necessary to provide the protected person in the Program with adequate psychosocial, economic, and legal assistance. This paper will discuss the psychosocial mechanisms of support and protection for protected persons and children as close persons. Also, a summary of the comparative legislation of the family in the protection program in South Africa and the Republic of Italy will be presented.

Design/Methods: Coordinates in which this work will move: Is the current psychological support for witnesses in the Program adequate? Does our Law on the Protection Program contain sufficiently elaborated provisions on psychosocial protection? Are efforts necessary to improve the current situation in practice and through positive legislation? What is necessary to do for the feeling of trust of the protected persons towards the police and judicial authorities? Does this target group live in a world of trauma? How to treat children as relatives of protected persons? The paper will use historical method, analysis method, comparative method, philosophical method, and modeling method.

Results: The goal of this work is the basic strengthening of the psychosocial system, which will result in more efficient processing of cases in the criminal justice system. In addition, the purpose is for the psychosocial approach to be a model for psychological support for protected persons in the Protection Program (witnesses and victims) in general, but also for those who have experienced extreme stress, then to manage to preserve their mental health completely, or at least to a sufficient extent, and in this connection, prevent their traumatization before, during, and after the end of the criminal proceedings. In this work, a review will also be made of children who have a greater chance of manifesting disorders (transgenerational transmission of trauma) that are connected to increased stress due to the role of their parents in the Protection Program.

Value: This work will provide a good starting point for future research because the topic is current in our country, at the global level, and, to an enormous extent, unexplored.

Keywords: Protection Program, vulnerable person, victim, psychosocial mechanisms and support, family, children as close persons.


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