Redesign of the study program, field training, student evaluation, optimal study programAbstract
Purpose: To develop, in addition to institutional evaluation, the need for summative evaluation as one of the elements of improving the didactic-methodical standard of teaching in higher police education, a student evaluation model has been designed to systematically and in an organized manner monitor the implementation and project measures for improving field training as a form of special forms of teaching at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies.
Methods and Findings: From 2016 to 2019, 416 students participated. Men (229) were statistically significantly higher (χ2=4,240; df=1; p=0.039) than women (187). The level of acquired knowledge was rated at 3.73±0.68. The overall impression of field training was 3.68±0.67. The formation of an assessment of the level of acquired knowledge and acquired skills and the overall impression of field training statistically significant (p<0,001) has a common influence on the way of studying and years of training. The distribution of the relative frequencies of the most common open response groups is: 124 students (29.8%) declared for the longer duration of the training; objections to poor personal equipment were made by 70 students (16.1%); 58 students suggested more practical exercise (14%); 30 students proposed the introduction into training of new technical means of the police (7.2%); 21 students proposed preparatory training in Belgrade (5%); etc., while only one student replied that he was not interested in field training (0.2%).
Value: Based on the analyzed results, a redesign of the field training for the academic year 2022/2023 was carried out, which included almost all the suggestions of students. The results of this redesign have yet to be recorded and analyzed, but it is already clear that the model of a redesign of program contents at the UCIPS based on the evaluation of both students and training contractors, as well as the future employer (the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia), is the right way to model the optimal study program.
Keywords: redesign of the study program, field training, student evaluation, optimal study program.
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Уредба о стручном оспособљавању и усавршавању у Министарству унутрашњих послова: Службени гласник Р Србије, 42/2017-5, 56/2018-11, 34/2019-10, 11/2020-9, 24/2021-34, 49/2022-18, 54/2023-5.