corruption, integrity, human ethology, prevention, trust, AIAbstract
The present article focuses on the change of perspective in the field of anti-corruption actions. It examines the new tools and possibilities the perspective of integrity can offer in order to eradicate corruption, with special regard to its effects on strengthening public trust. It advances the thesis that integrity management can help create a value-conscious system which progressively becomes the true condition of eliminating corruption. The study examines the possibilities of information technology in the fight against corruption.
The article offers a multidisciplinary overview of relevant international literature on the subject. Corruption is approached as a collective action problem in the first place. As we examine corruption in the human ethological approach, at the same time in the AI environment the methodology is based on the scoping review, which differs the from systematic review or meta-analysis since neither the literature search algorithm nor the summarizing aspects at the time of conclusion are able to be formulated exactly, nor are they known in advance.
It is important to gain familiarity with the distinctive qualities of human behavior in order to prevent corruption and reduce the risks of integrity violations. The controlling system of societies can be analysed with the help of human ethology. This is an extremely important aspect when the AI is still being taught and trained by humans.
The article promotes the creation of a new educational programme; the formation of specialists (integrity experts) who can identify and analyse the risks of corruption and integrity of societies/organisations. Their work can strengthen the society’s ability to resist corruption.
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